Davis Elementary Newsletter October 1, 2010
Nancy Beck, Head Elementary Principal
We’ve had an excellent beginning of the school year. Learning is well underway with students working hard to meet expectations. Please continue to see that your child is at school each day, ready to learn. Encourage your child to pay attention in class, work hard and complete homework each day. All students will succeed if we work together to make it happen!
Marcus McIntosh Reads to Students!
On Monday, September 20, Marcus McIntosh of KCCI Channel 8 in Des Moines, read And To Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street by Dr. Seuss! The assembly was the kickoff for the read across Iowa activity planned for third grade students. Thank you Mrs. Hughes, for arranging for Marcus McIntosh to come read to our students. It was great!
David Abarr receives Golden Apple Award!
David Abarr, 4th grade teacher, was surprised in an assembly on Thursday, September 23, 2010 with the WHO TV Golden Apple Award! Abarr was nominated by a former student, 5th grader Danica Nolton. The award is co-presented by WHO-TV 13 and Allied Insurance. Congratulations to Mr. Abarr!
Davis PTO
Davis Parent-Teacher Organization plans to meet each month on the second Tuesday of each month, 6 pm, in the Davis media center. Come and join other parents as they work to support the school. The recent fundraising event was a huge success!
Davis Night at McDonalds
Mark your calendars! Davis Night at McDonalds is set for October 11, 4-8 pm. Teachers and the principal will be at McDonalds that night, assisting in taking and filling orders for customers. McDonalds will donate 20% of all sales from 4-8 pm to Davis Elementary. Come join us at McDonalds for supper or a treat and help raise money for the school.
Upcoming Events:
October 1 Third grade students to Faulconer Gallery
Homecoming tonight!
October 6 Early dismissal, 1:08 pm, professional development for teachers
October 20, 21, 22 Early dismissal, 1:08 pm, Parent-Teacher conferences
October 20, K-8 PT conf: 1:30 – 6:00 pm
October 21 1:08 dismissal; K-8 PT conf: 1:30 – 4 pm
October 22 1:08 dismissal; K-8 PT conf: 1:30 – 4 pm
You will receive notice of a time for your conference. Please let us know if you have questions or need to change the time of your conference.
Monday, October 11, 2010
4 – 8 pm
McTeacher Night ---- for Davis
HyVee Shop and Share
From Oct. 1-10
Take your coupon!