Monday, December 21, 2009

School now on Jan. 18 and April 16

We have already had two snow days so we will have school on Jan. 18 and April 16. Continue to watch the weather in case we have more bad weather and more no school days.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Thanks for caring!

Several groups have shown great caring and generosity for the elementary students this fall and winter. We have received many needed items (sweat pants, socks, underwear, crocs, hats and mittens, etc) from the Poweshiek County Board of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, from the Bistro Bible study group at Mayflower Home (hats, gloves, boots), and from Hy-Vee (hats, mittens). We'd like to extend a special thank you to those groups and any others that have shown such caring this year. We appreciate your help!
Happy holidays to all!

Bailey Park News

Bailey Park Elementary School Parent Newsletter
December 18, 2009
Nancy Beck, Head Principal and Sarah Seney, Assistant Principal

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

This December has just flown by! It's hard to believe that we are a week away from Christmas. The students are busy as usual, however there seems to be that extra "spark" in everyone.

Students at Bailey Park are planning a Polar Express Day on Tuesday, with a guest reader, and a special showing of the movie Polar Express. You will also be able to hear the beautiful holiday music coming from the school Monday afternoon as the whole school participates in caroling with Mrs. Newton.

A special thanks to the parents and PTO for supplying the teachers and classrooms with wonderful presents from the students. Packages are starting to arrive and teachers are looking as excited as the students are!

  • From the Bailey Park family to yours - we wish you a happy holiday!

    Fun to Know

  • The Poweshiek County Board of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans donated TONS of extra clothes, shoes, socks, hats and gloves for the students at Bailey Park.
  • The Poweshiek County Register newspaper has a page devoted to the Grinnell Newburg School District. Bailey Park has an article every other week in the paper.
  • The first grade has a wonderful countdown on their desk. They are coloring a part of Santa's beard everyday until the big day!
  • Mrs. Lloyd walks to school everyday! It does help that she just lives across the street.
  • Dave Kubalsky is our district technology director. He is in charge of setting up, troubleshooting, and solving all our technology needs and problems!

    Bailey Park Wish Tree

    Bailey Park has a wish tree in which we collect items to give to people in need in our community at MICA. We ask that students at Bailey Park bring in items to put under our wish tree. Some items could be:
  • Toothpaste
  • Toothbrush
  • Colors
  • Coloring books
  • Socks
  • Gloves
  • Shampoo & conditioner
  • Any non-perishable items

    If you can help out in any way we would greatly appreciate it. Thank you in advance for your support!


  • Please remember hats, boots, gloves, heavy coats, etc. for recess. If you have extra items at home and would like to donate them to Bailey Park, please send them in.
  • Hy-Vee Shop and Share is the 1st through the 10th of every month. Don't forget to take a Shop and Share slip in with you when you shop. If you need slips, we have them in the office.
  • January 6 - 12:00 Dismissal
  • January 11 & 12 - DIBELS assessment for Kindergarten and First Grade


    The next PTO meeting will be on January 7. Please join us!

    Classroom Spotlight - Mrs. Baker's First Grade

    What is the best thing about first grade?

  • Having Mrs. Baker for a teacher.
  • Recess!
  • Months of the year
  • How to be good friends.

    What is the coolest thing about your teacher?

  • Her birthday was this week and it was cool.
  • She fills the treasure box with objects.
  • She teaches us everything she knows.
  • She teaches us how to line up.

    What is great about Bailey Park?

  • Doing math
  • Having lunch
  • The fundraisers

    What are you most proud of?

  • Do flips.
  • We can read.
  • We can count back.
  • We know and follow rules.

    Upcoming Events

  • December 22 - 2:00 Dismissal
  • December 23 to January 3 - No School
  • January 6 - 12:00 Dismissal
  • January 11 & 12 - DIBELS assessment for Kindergarten and First Grade

    Questions, concerns, celebrations? Do you have questions, concerns or celebrations to share? Contact us anytime.

    236-2770 - Bailey Park Office

    Bailey Park Elementary School

    Bailey Park Elementary School
    Nancy Beck, Head Principal
    Sarah Seney, Assistant Principal
    210 Eighth Avenue
    Grinnell, IA 50112
    641.236.2785 FAX

  • Davis

    Davis School Parent Newsletter
    December 14, 2009
    Nancy Beck, Head Principal and Josh Hetrick, Assistant Principal
    Davis Elementary School
    818 Hamilton Avenue
    Grinnell, IA 50112

    Banana Splits!

    If you like bananas and ice cream then you would have loved the banana splits that Mrs. Schultz's class created as part of their recent writing project recently. The objective of the writing exercise was to get students think creatively and to develop a story based on their banana character. Once their story had been developed and checked by Mrs. Schultz, students were then allowed to make their banana character out of real bananas. Students added an array of items to make their bananas come to life such as pipe cleaners, dresses, construction paper and different art materials. Once students completed their banana projects, time was set-aside for students to read and judge other students projects. Judging consisted of selecting stories students felt were the most creative, humorous and best use of materials, just to name a few. After students finished judging projects, they were treated to real banana splits served up by Mrs. Schultz.
    A Reminder

    A reminder that Tuesday, December 22nd there will be a one-hour early dismissal and classroom parties. Winter break will begin Wednesday, December 23 with classes resuming again on January 4th.

    Dress Warmly!

    Parents please remind your children to bring boots, hats, gloves and winter jackets to school so they can be prepared to go out to recess. If the wind-chill and air temperature is 15 degrees or less students will stay inside for recess.

    Pennies for PALS!

    Pennies for P.A.L.S. Students are collecting penny donations to help defray some of the cost for food that needs to be purchased for the P.A.L.S. shelter. Students will continue to collect penny donations until December 22 when the donations will be delivered to P.A.L.S.
    Closings and Delays

    Closings and Delays. Parents to find out if school is delayed or cancelled please listen to KGRN 1410 or check the Grinnell-Newburg school web-site for information. Parents may also sign-up for Iowa school alerts a free e-mail alert notification system found at
    Questions or Concerns?

    You can reach me through email, or by phone, 236- 2780 (Fairview School where I have my main office). If I am out of the office, feel free to leave me a message and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
    Watch for newsletters from me at least twice a month. Other information will be sent out on an as needed basis and be sure to read my blog. There is easy access through the Grinnell-Newburg School District website. Click on "District information" and then "elementary principal's blog" to read the latest postings.

    Your partner in education,

    Nancy Beck, Head Elementary Principal

    Davis Elementary School
    Nancy Beck, Head Principal and Josh Hetrick, Assistant Principal
    818 Hamilton Avenue
    Grinnell, IA 50112
    641.236.2790 - Office
    641.236.2785 - FAX
    Please contact the Teacher Librarian,
    Sherry Wallace,
    with comments or questions.

    Last Updated: Wed Dec 16 2009 10:45:32

    Fairview Newsletter

    Fairview News December 18, 2009
    Nancy Beck, Principal

    Winter Clothing is now a must. Please send your child to school with appropriate winter clothing --- boots, hats, mittens, a warm coat, snow pants. Please label your children's clothing. Also, remember shoes to put on once the student gets to school! It also helps if you have your child practice putting on and taking off their outdoor clothing independently -- remember the children must do that for three recesses each day. We will be going outside most days. We will go outside unless the temperature is below 15 degrees. We’d like to thank Hy-Vee for donating hats and gloves for students at Fairview. All kindergarten students received a hat and a pair of gloves and there were extras to keep at school in case a student forgets their gloves or hat some day.
    Remember to check the TV stations and/or radio station (KGRN, 1410, is the local station) for weather-related school closings. If you question the weather or if you think we might have a late start or early dismissal, please watch or listen for the announcements. If you cannot listen to the radio or watch the TV, perhaps you have a friend or relative that can call you once they hear the news. You can also check the Grinnell-Newburg website for information regarding weather closings. We want everyone to know of the late starts, early dismissals, or school closings.
    Coats for Kids: A group of people in town have made a commitment to purchase coats and other winter gear for children who need these things. If anyone in your family needs winter wear and you are having trouble buying these things, please call, or drop by, or send me an e-mail. Likewise, if you or your children know of anyone needing winter gear, please contact me.
    GHS Basketball/Wrestling Expectations: We would like to invite families to attend basketball games and wrestling meets at our high school. It is a lot of fun and great family time. I would like to remind you that there is no running around and playing in the hallways during the Grinnell High School basketball games and wrestling meets. Students are to sit in the gym and watch the game or match. Parents, sitting and explaining the game to your child is a great way to develop an understanding of the game.

    Second Grade Field Trip
    On November 23, 2009, Fairview second grade students traveled to the Science Center in Des Moines. Students attended a program, Sky Above Me, in the Star Theater and then explored six rooms of exhibits and hands on science activities. In the When Things Get Moving area, a construction site emphasizing how things work, fit together, and move together, students were able to make and launch their own rockets, maneuver a ball through a wall of pulleys, levers, and gears, and work together to build a freestanding arch. Students commented that they liked this area the best.
    In other areas students created their own movies with the Cosmic Jukebox, and recreated the Iowa landscape to explore climbing, caving and digging, and examine and test minerals and identify fossils. WHO-TV Weather Studio meteorologists broadcast the weather live and answered questions about forecasting the weather while students were at the Science Center.
    The students enjoyed discussing the day’s events during their lunch and the day ended with viewing the IMAX movie, ROAR Lions in the Kalahari. We’d like to extend special thanks to the Fairview PTO for funding this fun, educational field trip.

    Kindergarten Gingerbread Houses
    The lunchroom was full of students, parents, and sweets on Friday, December 11 when the kindergarten students made Gingerbread Houses. Students and parents worked together to create the houses and unique creations filled the lunch tables. Everyone had a wonderful time.

    From the Grinnell-Newburg School District’s food allergy task force:
    The Grinnell-Newburg School District’s food allergy task force would like to thank all district parents, staff, and students for their cooperation, compliance, and flexibility this year as we implemented new procedures to manage life-threatening food allergies. We have appreciated the compassionate understanding of our district staff and students and community members as we work together to ensure that our schools and school functions are welcoming and safe for students who live with life-threatening food allergies and attend our schools.

    As a reminder, a copy of the procedures as well as an FAQ is posted on our district website under “Parent Resources.” I encourage you to reread the documents. They are a great resource for all of us. Also, should you have any questions about the procedures or what you may or may not bring to a classroom or event, please contact a building principal or your child’s teacher.

    Many children with food allergies will experience the following minor symptoms: hives, itchiness, rash, and sneezing. But a few, including those allergic to peanuts, have allergic reactions that are more alarming such as vomiting, swelling of throat muscles, breathing problems, and even death. Even if they learn to read labels and avoid certain foods, these children may be exposed to minute, harmful residues by touching doorknobs, tables, and others’ hands. For the ever increasing number of students and their families who are affected and for whom anaphylactic shock could occur within seconds of ingestion or tactile contact with an allergy causing food, this is a serious issue. We know our district-wide procedures provide a safer environment to manage food allergies, especially those to nut products, which are the most severe. Strict avoidance of all nut products is the only way to prevent a life-threatening allergic reaction.

    Our task force is composed of teachers, administrators, parents of children with food allergies, and parents of children who do not have food allergies. With your help, we’ve accomplished a great deal this fall as we have all learned to adapt the new procedures district wide. In some instances, when there is a child with a food allergy in a classroom, the procedures for that classroom or building may be stricter than those required district wide. This has sometimes caused confusion, and we appreciate your understanding while we work out the finer points of keeping all our children safe.

    Once again, we appreciate your support. As an educational environment we believe in our capacity to educate our families, teachers, and students to better understand and live with life-threatening food allergies.

    Upcoming Events
    December 17, 7 pm Fairview PTO
    December 22 Movie and Parties
    One hour early dismissal
    December 23- January 3 Holiday break
    January 4, 2010 First day back after break
    All of us at Fairview wish you and your family a great holiday season~