Monday, December 21, 2009
School now on Jan. 18 and April 16
Friday, December 18, 2009
Thanks for caring!
Happy holidays to all!
Bailey Park News
December 18, 2009
Nancy Beck, Head Principal and Sarah Seney, Assistant Principal
It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year
This December has just flown by! It's hard to believe that we are a week away from Christmas. The students are busy as usual, however there seems to be that extra "spark" in everyone. Students at Bailey Park are planning a Polar Express Day on Tuesday, with a guest reader, and a special showing of the movie Polar Express. You will also be able to hear the beautiful holiday music coming from the school Monday afternoon as the whole school participates in caroling with Mrs. Newton.
A special thanks to the parents and PTO for supplying the teachers and classrooms with wonderful presents from the students. Packages are starting to arrive and teachers are looking as excited as the students are!
Fun to Know
Bailey Park Wish Tree
Bailey Park has a wish tree in which we collect items to give to people in need in our community at MICA. We ask that students at Bailey Park bring in items to put under our wish tree. Some items could be: If you can help out in any way we would greatly appreciate it. Thank you in advance for your support!
The next PTO meeting will be on January 7. Please join us!
Classroom Spotlight - Mrs. Baker's First Grade
What is the best thing about first grade?
What is the coolest thing about your teacher?
What is great about Bailey Park?
What are you most proud of?
Upcoming Events
Questions, concerns, celebrations? Do you have questions, concerns or celebrations to share? Contact us anytime.
236-2770 - Bailey Park Office
Bailey Park Elementary School | |
December 14, 2009
Nancy Beck, Head Principal and Josh Hetrick, Assistant Principal
Davis Elementary School
818 Hamilton Avenue
Grinnell, IA 50112
Banana Splits!
If you like bananas and ice cream then you would have loved the banana splits that Mrs. Schultz's class created as part of their recent writing project recently. The objective of the writing exercise was to get students think creatively and to develop a story based on their banana character. Once their story had been developed and checked by Mrs. Schultz, students were then allowed to make their banana character out of real bananas. Students added an array of items to make their bananas come to life such as pipe cleaners, dresses, construction paper and different art materials. Once students completed their banana projects, time was set-aside for students to read and judge other students projects. Judging consisted of selecting stories students felt were the most creative, humorous and best use of materials, just to name a few. After students finished judging projects, they were treated to real banana splits served up by Mrs. Schultz.
A Reminder
A reminder that Tuesday, December 22nd there will be a one-hour early dismissal and classroom parties. Winter break will begin Wednesday, December 23 with classes resuming again on January 4th.
Dress Warmly!
Parents please remind your children to bring boots, hats, gloves and winter jackets to school so they can be prepared to go out to recess. If the wind-chill and air temperature is 15 degrees or less students will stay inside for recess.
Pennies for PALS!
Pennies for P.A.L.S. Students are collecting penny donations to help defray some of the cost for food that needs to be purchased for the P.A.L.S. shelter. Students will continue to collect penny donations until December 22 when the donations will be delivered to P.A.L.S.
Closings and Delays
Closings and Delays. Parents to find out if school is delayed or cancelled please listen to KGRN 1410 or check the Grinnell-Newburg school web-site for information. Parents may also sign-up for Iowa school alerts a free e-mail alert notification system found at
Questions or Concerns?
You can reach me through email, or by phone, 236- 2780 (Fairview School where I have my main office). If I am out of the office, feel free to leave me a message and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Watch for newsletters from me at least twice a month. Other information will be sent out on an as needed basis and be sure to read my blog. There is easy access through the Grinnell-Newburg School District website. Click on "District information" and then "elementary principal's blog" to read the latest postings.
Your partner in education,
Nancy Beck, Head Elementary Principal
Davis Elementary School
Nancy Beck, Head Principal and Josh Hetrick, Assistant Principal
818 Hamilton Avenue
Grinnell, IA 50112
641.236.2790 - Office
641.236.2785 - FAX
Please contact the Teacher Librarian,
Sherry Wallace,
with comments or questions.
Last Updated: Wed Dec 16 2009 10:45:32
Fairview Newsletter
Nancy Beck, Principal
Winter Clothing is now a must. Please send your child to school with appropriate winter clothing --- boots, hats, mittens, a warm coat, snow pants. Please label your children's clothing. Also, remember shoes to put on once the student gets to school! It also helps if you have your child practice putting on and taking off their outdoor clothing independently -- remember the children must do that for three recesses each day. We will be going outside most days. We will go outside unless the temperature is below 15 degrees. We’d like to thank Hy-Vee for donating hats and gloves for students at Fairview. All kindergarten students received a hat and a pair of gloves and there were extras to keep at school in case a student forgets their gloves or hat some day.
Remember to check the TV stations and/or radio station (KGRN, 1410, is the local station) for weather-related school closings. If you question the weather or if you think we might have a late start or early dismissal, please watch or listen for the announcements. If you cannot listen to the radio or watch the TV, perhaps you have a friend or relative that can call you once they hear the news. You can also check the Grinnell-Newburg website for information regarding weather closings. We want everyone to know of the late starts, early dismissals, or school closings.
Coats for Kids: A group of people in town have made a commitment to purchase coats and other winter gear for children who need these things. If anyone in your family needs winter wear and you are having trouble buying these things, please call, or drop by, or send me an e-mail. Likewise, if you or your children know of anyone needing winter gear, please contact me.
GHS Basketball/Wrestling Expectations: We would like to invite families to attend basketball games and wrestling meets at our high school. It is a lot of fun and great family time. I would like to remind you that there is no running around and playing in the hallways during the Grinnell High School basketball games and wrestling meets. Students are to sit in the gym and watch the game or match. Parents, sitting and explaining the game to your child is a great way to develop an understanding of the game.
Second Grade Field Trip
On November 23, 2009, Fairview second grade students traveled to the Science Center in Des Moines. Students attended a program, Sky Above Me, in the Star Theater and then explored six rooms of exhibits and hands on science activities. In the When Things Get Moving area, a construction site emphasizing how things work, fit together, and move together, students were able to make and launch their own rockets, maneuver a ball through a wall of pulleys, levers, and gears, and work together to build a freestanding arch. Students commented that they liked this area the best.
In other areas students created their own movies with the Cosmic Jukebox, and recreated the Iowa landscape to explore climbing, caving and digging, and examine and test minerals and identify fossils. WHO-TV Weather Studio meteorologists broadcast the weather live and answered questions about forecasting the weather while students were at the Science Center.
The students enjoyed discussing the day’s events during their lunch and the day ended with viewing the IMAX movie, ROAR Lions in the Kalahari. We’d like to extend special thanks to the Fairview PTO for funding this fun, educational field trip.
Kindergarten Gingerbread Houses
The lunchroom was full of students, parents, and sweets on Friday, December 11 when the kindergarten students made Gingerbread Houses. Students and parents worked together to create the houses and unique creations filled the lunch tables. Everyone had a wonderful time.
From the Grinnell-Newburg School District’s food allergy task force:
The Grinnell-Newburg School District’s food allergy task force would like to thank all district parents, staff, and students for their cooperation, compliance, and flexibility this year as we implemented new procedures to manage life-threatening food allergies. We have appreciated the compassionate understanding of our district staff and students and community members as we work together to ensure that our schools and school functions are welcoming and safe for students who live with life-threatening food allergies and attend our schools.
As a reminder, a copy of the procedures as well as an FAQ is posted on our district website under “Parent Resources.” I encourage you to reread the documents. They are a great resource for all of us. Also, should you have any questions about the procedures or what you may or may not bring to a classroom or event, please contact a building principal or your child’s teacher.
Many children with food allergies will experience the following minor symptoms: hives, itchiness, rash, and sneezing. But a few, including those allergic to peanuts, have allergic reactions that are more alarming such as vomiting, swelling of throat muscles, breathing problems, and even death. Even if they learn to read labels and avoid certain foods, these children may be exposed to minute, harmful residues by touching doorknobs, tables, and others’ hands. For the ever increasing number of students and their families who are affected and for whom anaphylactic shock could occur within seconds of ingestion or tactile contact with an allergy causing food, this is a serious issue. We know our district-wide procedures provide a safer environment to manage food allergies, especially those to nut products, which are the most severe. Strict avoidance of all nut products is the only way to prevent a life-threatening allergic reaction.
Our task force is composed of teachers, administrators, parents of children with food allergies, and parents of children who do not have food allergies. With your help, we’ve accomplished a great deal this fall as we have all learned to adapt the new procedures district wide. In some instances, when there is a child with a food allergy in a classroom, the procedures for that classroom or building may be stricter than those required district wide. This has sometimes caused confusion, and we appreciate your understanding while we work out the finer points of keeping all our children safe.
Once again, we appreciate your support. As an educational environment we believe in our capacity to educate our families, teachers, and students to better understand and live with life-threatening food allergies.
Upcoming Events
December 17, 7 pm Fairview PTO
December 22 Movie and Parties
One hour early dismissal
December 23- January 3 Holiday break
January 4, 2010 First day back after break
All of us at Fairview wish you and your family a great holiday season~
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Fairview Elementary News November 20, 2009
Fairview Elementary News
Nancy Beck, Principal
November 20, 2009
As many of you know we have various assessments that we use through the school year to assess the students’ achievement and growth. In kindergarten and first grade we use Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) assessments in the fall, in January, and again in May, to assess students’ phonemic awareness and reading skills. We also use the Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA) in the fall and spring for first grade students and in the spring for kindergarten students. The DRA helps us know the reading levels of the students and provide appropriate programming. At the second grade level we use the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) assessment to help us determine student skills and what the students are ready to learn. These assessments help the teachers as they plan their instruction throughout the year. We have just completed the MAP assessments for this fall and we’ll assess again in the spring. MAP assessments were delayed this year because we waited for the new computers to be available in the computer lab. We also give the Cognitive Abilities Test (CoGat) to second graders and we’ve just received those results. The CAT test measures both general and specific reasoning abilities. Second grade students will be taking home the results this week. Classroom assessments are also ongoing to teachers know the students’ achievement and growth throughout the school year.
Grinnell-Newburg Preschool
Jan Phifer and Andrea Zhorne, Grinnell-Newburg preschool teachers, facilitate the Grinnell-Newburg preschool program, a center-based early childhood program that serves 3-5 year old children who have some identified area of developmental delay. In addition to providing an appropriate education for students with identified special education needs, regulations also mandate that these students will be provided with opportunities for integration with non-disabled peers. Two mornings per week non-disabled peers are in attendance, along with the students receiving special education services. During afternoon sessions, the Grinnell-Newburg preschool program provides an opportunity for integration of students through an integrated preschool model. During the sessions in which special education students and typically developing students are in attendance, the class size resembles a community based preschool setting. The students participating in the integrated program provide age-appropriate models in the areas of behavior, socialization, language, and readiness skills. All students also receive a typical early childhood curriculum that prepares them for entering a kindergarten program.
The philosophy and goals of our preschool program are based upon the framework of The Creative Curriculum (The Creative Curriculum for Preschool, Fourth Edition, by Diane Trister Dodge, Laura J. Colker, and Cate Heroman). Our program uses a variety of activities to achieve several broad goals, including getting along well with others, becoming enthusiastic learners, and getting prepared for the expectations of the Grinnell-Newburg kindergarten setting. We do this by creating purposeful and productive play experiences.
Children ages 3-5 are learning all the time and they learn best by being active. The more active children are in their work, the more they learn and remember. In the Grinnell-Newburg preschool students learn through a variety of both student-selected and teacher-directed learning opportunities.
The preschool learning activities are focused on development across four broad areas of development. Areas of development include: the social/emotional domain, focusing on children developing independence, self-confidence, and self-control; following rules and routines; making friends; being a part of a group; physical, focusing on developing large muscle skills (balancing, running, jumping, throwing, catching) and small muscle skills (using their hands to cut, draw, write, and complete self-help skills); cognitive, focusing on acquiring thinking skills, problem-solving skills, using their imagination, and school readiness skills; and language, focusing on talking, listening, “pre-reading” and “pre-writing” skills.
Children learn through the way the preschool classroom is organized and the toys and materials that are selected. The daily routine and schedule help provide a structure that supports their learning in this environment.
Weather Announcements
Please continue to watch/listen for weather announcements when bad winter weather hits. Check the TV stations and/or radio station (KGRN, 1410, is the local station) for weather-related school closings. If you question the weather or if you think we might have a late start or early dismissal, watch or listen for the announcements. If you cannot listen to the radio or watch the TV, perhaps you have a friend or relative that can call you once they hear the news. You can also get automatic alerts to your email. Check the Grinnell-Newburg website for more information. We want everyone to know of the late starts, early dismissals, or school closings. Also, remind your students to come dressed for the weather – warm coats, boots, gloves.
Teacher’s Wish Tree
Look for the Teacher’s Wish Tree on the front bulletin board, take a leaf, purchase the item, and return the item and the leaf to the office. We will see that the teacher receives the wished for item. Thank you for the donations! I have also included many of the wished for items in the Love Your School ads in the Grinnell-Herald Register.
November 23 2nd grade field trip to science center
November 25 - 27 NO SCHOOL, Thanksgiving break
December 2 Noon dismissal for students, professional development for teachers
December 9 School Board, 5:30 pm
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Fairview Elementary News, Nov. 2, 2009
November 2, 2009
Nancy Beck, Principal
The school year continues to go well. You are encouraged to contact your child’s teacher or the principal if you have questions or concerns about your child’s education or things happening here at school. Write down your questions or concerns so you can discuss those at Parent Teacher Conferences.
Cold weather has arrived and appropriate clothing is now a must. Please send your child to school with appropriate clothing --- boots, hats, mittens, a warm coat, and snow pants if needed. Please label your children's clothing. Also, remember shoes to put on once the student gets to school! It also helps if you have your child practice putting on and taking off their outdoor clothing independently -- remember the children must do that for three recesses each day. We will go outside unless the temperature is below 15 degrees.
Remember to check the TV stations and/or radio station (KGRN, 1410, is the local station) for weather-related school closings. If you question the weather or if you think we might have a late start or early dismissal, please watch or listen for the announcements. If you cannot listen to the radio or watch the TV, perhaps you have a friend or relative that can call you once they hear the news. You can also get automatic alerts to your email. Check the Grinnell-Newburg website for more information. We want everyone to know of the late starts, early dismissals, or school closings.
Thanks to everyone for observing the buses only rule for the front drive right before and after school. By keeping the front drive clear of other vehicle traffic we keep our bus students and walkers safer. We will continue to have this rule even as the weather gets colder or snowy. Please do not drive in the front drive from 7:30 - 8:15 a.m. or 2:45 - 3:15 pm. I know it’ s an inconvenience, but it is safer for all.
Seven Grinnell College students spent the day at Fairview Elementary on October 21, 2009, as an alternative college break. Grinnell College students take many different trips during the fall college break and these students chose to stay in Grinnell and volunteer at the school. The college students assisted classroom teachers with paper work, prepared materials and activities, listened to students read, and read to students. The elementary students enjoyed having the college students in their classrooms and the teachers appreciated the extra hands in the classrooms.
Did you know that every Fairview child will be in a small group with Mrs. Magurshak sometime this school year? These groups give children time to practice skills taught in large group Guidance lessons taught by Mrs. Phillips in the classroom.
What are the skills that children learn in Guidance lessons and practice in the small groups? Kindergarten children are learning how to be Star Students. The skills Mrs. Magurshak works on with them are “Listening to the Teacher” and “Knowing the Difference between Tattling and Telling”.
In First grade the children are working on Friendship. The skills practiced with Mrs. Magurshak are “How to Introduce yourself with a Handshake” and “How to Make up with a Friend when you are Angry”. Second grade students are working on Respect. The skills practiced with Mrs. Magurshak are “Asking to use something that belongs to someone else” and “Stating two rules which help students learn and two rules which help students be safe”.
Your child’s small group will meet for five sessions, and then other children will have their turn in the small groups. One other good thing about the small groups is that they give the counselors a chance to get to know your child better and to assess how each child is doing on learning these skills. The small groups are an important component of a comprehensive counseling program that we have been able to add because of having the C.A.R.E.S. Counseling grant in this district. For more information about small groups, you may contact Mrs. Magurshak or Mrs. Phillips @ 236-2760.
Molly Corrow from the American Red Cross, Iowa Rivers Chapter, and Scrubby Bear (Annie Jensen), visited each classroom at Fairview and talked with students about the importance of hand washing to decrease the spread of disease. Scrubby Bear taught students about germs that carry disease, helped each student learn the “Scrubby Bear way” to wash their hands, and taught students a song to help them remember how to wash the “Scrubby Bear way”. This is the second year Scrubby Bear has come to Fairview to help students learn ways to stay healthy. Ask your child to tell you about Scrubby and how to wash hands to stay healthy.
Several groups of teachers are attending training this year on the Iowa Core Curriculum. Teachers are going to Marshalltown for six days throughout the school year to learn about the Iowa Core Curriculum and effective teaching strategies. When the teachers on the committee return they share information with the other teachers in the district. You will be hearing more about the Iowa Core Curriculum this year and in future years. The elementary teachers are just getting started working on the Iowa Core since it does not have to be implemented in the elementary schools for several more years. Watch for more information as work on the Iowa Core continues.
We are again participating in the HyVee Shop and Share from the first through the tenth of November. Take your coupon to HyVee when you shop and the school will receive 3 % of your purchases. You can pick up coupons at the school or email and I will send you a coupon.
Look for the Teacher’s Wish Tree on the front bulletin board, take a leaf, purchase the item, and return the item and the leaf to the office. We will see that the teacher receives the wished for item. Thank you for the donations!
Upcoming Events:
November 4, 5, 6 Parent Teacher Conferences
Week of November 9 2nd grade MAP testing
November 10 PTO, 7 pm, Fairview planning center
November 11 School Board, 5:30 pm, City Council Chambers
Monday, October 19, 2009
Fairview Newsletter October 14, 2009
Nancy Beck, Principal
October 14, 2009
Fall Fitness 2009
Fairview students participated in Fall Fitness Day 2009 activities on Friday, October 9. Since the weather did not cooperate for outside activities, students exercised for thirty minutes in the hallways by walking on balance beams, hopping from circle to circle, jumping in hula-hoops, and in the gym, students and staff exercised to an aerobics DVD. Fall Fitness Day, a one-day event for Iowa schools, is an opportunity to bring awareness to the need for increased physical activities for young students. Tony Farmer, elementary physical education teacher, organized the activities for the three elementary schools.
Walmart awards $100 gift cards to Fairview teachers
Five Fairview teachers were awarded $100 gift cards by Walmart manager, Jeremy Lyons, at the October 7 faculty meetings as part of Walmart’s Teacher Rewards programs. The gift cards are to be used to help teachers purchase needed materials for their classrooms. The donations are greatly appreciated. Thank you, Walmart, for your generosity.
Fairview Fall Festival
The Fairview Fall Festival is a long time tradition at Fairview. On October 9 students and their families gathered on the grassy areas north of the Fairview Elementary School for hotdogs, sack races, a petting zoo, trike riding, and hayrides. Hosted by the Fairview Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO), the event focused on family fun and building connections to the school and other school families. Everyone who attended enjoyed the evening, even though it was definitely cooler than usual.
Hosting the Fall Festival is only one of the many services provided by the Fairview PTO. The PTO is very active and gives vital support for Fairview. The PTO provides funding for field trips for the students, teacher vouchers so teachers can purchase needed classroom supplies, treats for the three seasonal parties, meals for teachers during parent-teacher conferences, and volunteers for other activities. Several fundraisers are held each year, including Fairview Fun Night in the spring. The help of the PTO is greatly appreciated.
Elementary Students attend Molecules that Matter Art Exhibit
Molecules that Matter, the current exhibit at the Faulconer Gallery at Grinnell College, highlights ten organic molecules, one important molecule from each decade of the twentieth century. The exhibit includes large models of the selected molecules, including aspirin, penicillin G, DNA, nylon 6, and other molecules. The selected molecules have all had enormous historical impact. Grinnell-Newburg elementary students viewed the exhibit at Grinnell College and created their own artwork, which will then be displayed as part of the exhibit. Students also made silly putty and viewed other science experiments as part of their experiences at the gallery. Several K-4 classes have already attended the exhibit and more will attend in the next several weeks.
On Saturday, November 14, Grinnell College will host a reception for the young artists, their families and the community. Visitors will be able to view the entire exhibit, including the artwork of the elementary students. There will also be hands-on activities, refreshments, and Save Our Avian Resources (SOAR) will bring a live bald eagle, peregrine falcon, and osprey. Kay Neumann, a raptor specialist, will talk about the impact DDT had on these species and the population recovery that has occurred. The raptor presentations will take place at 1 pm and 2:30 pm and raptors may be viewed from 1:30 – 2:30 pm and 3 - 4 pm as well.
The Faulconer Gallery at Grinnell College is open to the public at no charge.
Davis and Fairview Elementar Pan Fundraiser
The PTOs at Davis and Fairview Elementary Schools are combining for an elementary fundraiser. Students are invited to sell commercial grade bakeware with proceeds from the sale going to each elementary school’s PTO. These items will be handy to have on hand for holiday baking and make great gifts for family and friends. Contact a Fairview or Davis student to place an order.
Upcoming events:
October 14 School Board
October 19-23 CAT tests for second graders
October 27 Picture retakes
October 28 School Board
October 29 Fall parties
October 30 No school, teacher professional development/work day
November 4 Noon dismissal, Parent-Teacher conferences
November 5-6 Parent-Teacher conferences
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Fairview Newsletter
It has been an interesting week at Davis -- electrical problems, school canceled for Davis students on Thursday and now on Friday as well. We believe we have isolated the cause of the problem and repairs will occur soon. School will be in session for Davis students on Monday, hopefully at Davis, but if not at Davis, in another school facility.
Fairview newsletter:
Fairview Elementary News
Nancy Beck, Head Elementary Principal
October 1, 2009
The school year is well underway and going well. Thanks to all of you for getting
things off to a good start. Have you visited your child’s classroom yet? You are
always welcome to come and visit. Please check in at the office when you come.
We look forward to seeing you.
Thanks to all for observing the driveway signs indicating that the front drive is
for buses only from 7:30 - 8:15 A.M. and from 2:45 - 3:15 P.M. Almost
everyone is observing this rule. This rule is in effect for the safety of all children.
If you have someone new bring your child to school please tell them of the rule.
Also, even if you are running late and your child is almost late to class, do not
drive through the front drive. We do not want a child to be hit as they are
crossing the driveway.
When you come to pick up your child at the end of the school day, please wait in
the lobby or outside for your child. The teachers will walk to the entry (and then
outside, weather permitting) with the children. Kindergarten and second grade
students walk out the main, northwest entry door, while first grade students and
preschoolers exit from the southwest entry. It creates a safer exit for all when
parents wait for the students rather than going to the rooms for the students.
Also, please note that supervisors will be bringing bus students out the front
doors for boarding buses. Clear the way for those bus lines if possible.
Weather Dismissals
Now that the heat has passed and colder weather is here we begin thinking of
winter weather and possible schedule changes due to winter weather. If a
decision is made to cancel classes or to dismiss early, KGRN and area television
stations are notified and the schedule change is posted on the Grinnell School’s
website. If you cannot listen to the radio or watch television, ask a friend who
can listen to contact you. You can also sign up for notification by email. Check
the Grinnell-Newburg website for directions for signing up for that notification.
We know it is a concern for the young students to be dismissed and parents not
know about the dismissal. Make plans now so you won’t be surprised when bad
weather hits.
Focus on Attendance
Regular school attendance is very important for your child’s education. Please
see that your child is at school regularly. Lengthy vacations when school is in
session greatly impact the learning of your child. Plan those vacations or trips
out of town during school breaks if at all possible. We are emphasizing
attendance again this year. It’s also very important for your child to arrive at
school on time. Arriving about 8 A.M. will get your child off to a good start each
day. I will be sending out some attendance letters in the near future to those who
have been absent more than 10% of the school year.
Videotaping in Classrooms
I want to let you know that videotaping will often take place in the school and your
child’s classroom. Small group activities, plays, or other special or classroom
events may be videotaped for educational purposes.
No Animals
We will not allow animals in the building this year, not even for sharing time. We
have at least one student who is very allergic to animal hair and we cannot take
chances. Also, no dogs are allowed on the school grounds, not even on a leash.
If you walk your dog to school with your child, please stay off school property with
the dog.
October 7 Professional Development
Teachers will be working together on the afternoon of October 7 to plan literacy
strategies and implementation of the new reading and writing instructional
materials. This professional development time is vital for teachers, allowing time
to collaborate and plan for effective instruction. Teachers will also be sharing
information on the Iowa Core Curriculum (ICC). Although the elementary schools
do not have to implement the Iowa Core Curriculum for several years, work has
begun so we can learn about ICC and plan for its implementation. Remember
October 7 has a noon dismissal.
Hy-Vee Fundraiser
We are again participating in the Hy-Vee fundraiser from October 1 to
October 10. Forms are available at the school or you can email me and I
will send you a form. The school receives 3% of sales when the form is
Upcoming Events:
October 6 Firemen’s Visit, PK-1
Faulconer Gallery field trips begin
October 7 National Walk to School Day, Noon dismissal
October 8 Fairview PTO, 7 pm
October 9 Fall Festival
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
FAX Gilbert appeared today!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Town Hall Meeting on Education
I received this earlier today from Jeanne Ackerson, Program Support Assistant of the Department of Education -- sounds like a good opportunity to participate in a discussion about federal eduction policy.
A monthly update on U.S. Department of Education activities and information relevant to the education communityfor Region VII Stakeholders (Iowa, Kansas, Missouri & Nebraska)
U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan will engage in a live discussion with parents, educators and students across the nation on the Sept. 15 broadcast of Education News Parents Can Use, the U.S. Department of Education’s monthly television series focusing on schools, learning and student success.
Secretary Duncan has been traveling the country to engage Americans in a conversation about federal education policy. The “National Town Hall Meeting,” broadcast Tuesday, Sept. 15 from 8 – 9 p.m. ET, (7 – 8 p.m. CT) will be the next stop on the Secretary’s “Listening and Learning Tour.” During the one-hour broadcast, Secretary Duncan will discuss education issues with a studio audience of parents from the Washington, D.C. area and with other participants from around the country via phone, e-mail and video messages. The conversation will include a discussion of the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. More information on how to take part in the broadcast is available at
Education News Parents Can Use airs live via satellite on the third Tuesday of each month during the school year, offering parents and others vital information about getting involved in children's learning. The program will be carried live on the Dish Network, dozens of PBS stations, and hundreds of public access and education channels. Other broadcast and cable outlets will air the show on a tape-delayed basis. A list of viewing options is available at In addition, the program will be available as an archived webcast at
WHO: U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan
WHAT: Televised interactive “Listening and Learning” National Town Hall Meeting on education
WHEN: 8 – 9 p.m. ET, Tuesday, Sept. 15, 2009
Please feel free to contact us at with any questions.
Jeanne Ackerson
Program Support Assistant
Department of Education
Office of Communications & Outreach
8930 Ward Parkway, Suite 2002
Kansas City, MO 64114
816.268.0401 (Phone)
816.268.0407 (Fax)
Thursday, September 3, 2009
President Obama's speech on Sept. 8, 209
President Barack Obama to Make Historic Speech to America’s Students
C-SPAN and White House Web Site to Broadcast Speech Live
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
At 12:00 p.m., Eastern Time (ET), September 8, 2009, President Barack Obama will deliver a national address to the students of America. (Please note that this is a change from the originally scheduled time.) During this special address, the president will speak directly to the nation’s children and youth about persisting and succeeding in school. The president will challenge students to work hard, set educational goals, and take responsibility for their learning.
The U.S. Department of Education invites students of all ages, teachers, and administrators to participate in this historic moment by watching the president deliver the address, which will be broadcast live on the White House Web site ( and on C-SPAN at 12:00 p.m., ET. The Department of Education offers educators a menu of classroom activities—created by its teachers-in-residence, the Teaching Ambassador Fellows—to help engage students in the address and stimulate classroom discussions about the importance of education.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Elementary Newsletters
Bailey Park Elementary News
Nancy Beck, Head Principal
Sarah Seney, Assistant Principal
September 1, 2009
School is off to an excellent start! Students are learning the routines and expectations and starting the work of learning to read or improving reading or math skills. Read with your child or practice math every day if you can. It makes a great difference!
Parents, please remember that you cannot pull into the front drive at the end of the school day to pick up your child. We need to keep the front drive open and available for buses at the end of the day. You must park on a nearby street, being careful of no parking signs, to pick up your child. Do not park in no parking zones – you are at great risk of receiving a ticket.
If you come to school during the school day to get your child for an appointment please check in at the office to sign your child out before leaving with your child. If you return the same day with your child remember to come back in the office and sign your child back in. This procedure helps us keep track of all the children.
We have some exciting events planned. On September 15, FAX Gilbert, will be here to present an assembly based on wellness, health, and happiness. Thanks to the PTO and the Iowa Arts Council for sponsoring this event.
All K-4 classes will be taking a field trip to Faulconer Gallery in October to view the exhibit, Molecules that Matter, and create their own artwork. The students’ artwork will be displayed as part of the exhibit. You and your child will then be invited to a community event on November 14 to view the art exhibit and take your child’s artwork home. We are pleased that Grinnell College has invited our students to view the exhibit and participate in hands on activities during the trip.
New computers have begun to arrive! There are still components not here but hopefully all computer components will arrive soon and the computers in the lab will be replaced. Watch for the new computers!
We are participating in the HyVee Shop and Share Fundraiser again. Bailey Park School will receive 3% of purchases (including the purchases at the pharmacy) at HyVee from the first through the tenth of each month. Forms are available at the school or you can request a form if you e-mail me at You must have a form for us to receive the 3% of purchases.
On Wednesday, September 2, teachers will meet to discuss and plan for use of the new reading/writing materials. Teachers will share information with each other, including what is working for them at this time and what changes need to occur. With new materials for reading and writing this year it is vital for teachers to have time to collaborate and work together as they learn about the new materials and the strategies included in the new curriculum.
Sept. 2 Early dismissal
Sept. 3-4 DIBELS testing, kindergarten and first grade
DIBELS are short, 1-minute tests of phonemic awareness skills. These tests help us know the students’ prereading or reading skills.
Sept. 8 – 11 Developmental Reading Assessments (DRA) for first grade students
The DRA tests help us determine reading skills of our first graders.
Sept. 15 FAX Gilbert, a health and wellness assembly
Sept. 17 Homecoming Parade
Sept. 24 Open House/Curriculum Night, 6:30 – 7:30 pm
Title I Parent Meeting, 6 pm
Davis Elementary News
Nancy Beck, Head Principal
Josh Hetrick, Assistant Principal
September 1, 2009
School is off to an excellent start! Students are learning the routines and expectations and starting the work of learning to read or improving reading or math skills. Read with your child or practice math every day if you can. It makes a great difference!
If you come to school during the school day to get your child for an appointment please check in at the office before leaving with your child. If you return the same day with your child remember to come back in the office to let us know your child has returned. This procedure helps us keep track of all the children.
We have some exciting events planned. On September 15, FAX Gilbert, will be here to present an assembly based on wellness, health, and happiness. Thanks to the PTO and the Iowa Arts Council for sponsoring this event.
All K-4 classes will be taking a field trip to Faulconer Gallery in October to view the exhibit, Molecules that Matter, and create their own artwork. The students’ artwork will be displayed as part of the exhibit. You and your child will then be invited to a community event on November 14 to view the art exhibit and take your child’s artwork home. We are pleased that Grinnell College has invited our students to view the exhibit and participate in hands on activities during the trip.
We are participating in the HyVee Shop and Share Fundraiser again. Davis Elementary will receive 3% of purchases (including the purchases at the pharmacy) at HyVee from the first through the tenth of each month. Forms are available at the school or you can request a form if you e-mail me at You must have a form for us to receive the 3% of purchases.
Volunteers are still needed! Let your child’s teacher know if you can volunteer to read to or with students, help students in small group activities, or assist in preparing learning activities.
On Wednesday, September 2, teachers will meet to discuss and plan for use of the new reading/writing materials. Teachers will share information with each other, including what is working for them at this time and what changes need to occur. With new materials for reading and writing this year it is vital for teachers to have time to collaborate and work together as they learn about the new materials and the strategies included in the new curriculum.
Questions to ask your child about school:
What is your favorite subject? Your least favorite?
If you could make one class longer what would it be? Why?
Upcoming Events:
Sept.2 Early dismissal
Sept. MAP testing
MAP tests are computer-based tests that help us know the reading and math skills of the students. The results are used by the teachers to aid in providing appropriate instruction for the students.
Sept. 9 School Board meeting, 5:30 pm
Sept. 15 FAX Gilbert, a health and wellness assembly
Sept. 17 Homecoming Parade
Fairview Elementary News
Nancy Beck, Principal
September 1, 2009
School is off to an excellent start! Students are learning the routines and expectations and starting the work of learning to read or improving reading or math skills. Read with your child or practice math every day if you can. It makes a great difference!
Parents, please remember that you cannot pull into the front drive at the beginning or end of the school day. We need to keep the front drive open and available for buses at the beginning and end of the day. You must park on a nearby street, being careful of no parking signs, to pick up your child. Do not park in no parking zones – you are at great risk of receiving a ticket.
If you come to school during the school day to get your child for an appointment please check in at the office before leaving with your child. If you return the same day with your child remember to come back in the office to let us know your child has returned. This procedure helps us keep track of all the children.
We have some exciting events planned. On September 15, FAX Gilbert, will be here to present an assembly based on wellness, health, and happiness. Thanks to the PTO and the Iowa Arts Council for sponsoring this event.
All K-4 classes will be taking a field trip to Faulconer Gallery in October to view the exhibit, Molecules that Matter, and create their own artwork. The students’ artwork will be displayed as part of the exhibit. You and your child will then be invited to a community event on November 14 to view the art exhibit and take your child’s artwork home. We are pleased that Grinnell College has invited our students to view the exhibit and participate in hands on activities during the trip.
New computers have begun to arrive! There are still components not here but hopefully all computer components will arrive soon and the computers in the lab will be replaced. Watch for the new computers!
We are participating in the HyVee Shop and Share Fundraiser again. Fairview School will receive 3% of purchases (including the purchases at the pharmacy) at HyVee from the first through the tenth of each month. Forms are available at the school or you can request a form if you e-mail me at You must have a form for us to receive the 3% of purchases.
Volunteers are still needed! Let your child’s teacher know if you can volunteer to read to or with students, help students in small group activities, or assist in preparing learning activities.
On Wednesday, September 2, teachers will meet to discuss and plan for use of the new reading/writing materials. Teachers will share information with each other, including what is working for them at this time and what changes need to occur. With new materials for reading and writing this year it is vital for teachers to have time to collaborate and work together as they learn about the new materials and the strategies included in the new curriculum.
Ask your child these questions to learn about the school day:
What is your favorite subject? Least favorite?
Upcoming Events:
Aug. 31 – Sept. 1 DIBELS testing, kindergarten and first grade
DIBELS are short, 1-minute tests of phonemic awareness skills. These tests help us know the students’ prereading or reading skills.
Sept. 2 Early dismissal
Sept. 8 – 11 Developmental Reading Assessments (DRA) for first grade students
The DRA tests help us determine reading skills of our first graders.
Sept. 15 FAX Gilbert, a health and wellness assembly
Sept. 17 Homecoming Parade
Sept. 22 Open House/Curriculum Night, 6:30 – 7:30 pm
Title I Parent Meeting, 6 pm
Friday, August 21, 2009
Great start to the year
Upcoming events include: - FAX Gilbert presentation at all three schools on September 15
- Open House/Curriculum Night at Fairview, Sept. 22, 6 pm for
Title I Parents' Night, 6:30 for Open House
- Open House/Curriculum Night at Bailey Park, Sept. 24, 6 pm for
Title I Parents' Night, 6:30 for Open House
- Field trips to Faulkner Gallery, beginning in early October to see
the Molecules that Matter show and create their own original art
Please let us know if there are questions or concerns.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Elementary Staffing Changes
Christie Hughes has been hired to fill the additional third grade section at Davis. Christie graduated from Buena Vista University with a BA in elementary education with reading and social studies endorsements. She has substituted extensively in the Newton School District. We are very pleased to welcome Christie to Davis. Christie was originally hired for the half-time first grade literacy position at Bailey Park but was moved to the third grade position when it became available.
On Wednesday, August 12, the Grinnell School Board approved the hiring of an additional fourth grade teacher. Kristine Allen, a Grinnell native, has been hired to fill that position. Kristine graduated from Central College in May and has just recently completed her reading endorsement and most of her early childhood endorsement. Kristine student taught in fourth grade at Davis and already knows the building, staff, and fourth grade curriculum. Even though class assignments for fourth grade were made earlier, some students have been reassigned to Ms. Allen’s class. Parents will be notified in the near future if their child has been reassigned. We are so pleased to have an additional fourth grade section and to have Ms. Allen join the Davis faculty.
Amanda Losing has been hired to fill the half-time first grade literacy position at Bailey Park. Amanda graduated with a BA in elementary education from Buena Vista University and she has subbed in the Marshalltown School District. Amanda will work with small groups of first grade students on literacy skills. We are excited to have Amanda join the faculty at Bailey Park.
The start of the school year is just around the corner. Begin practicing the routine that will need to be followed when school begins. Students need to begin going to bed a little earlier than they may have this summer so they can be rested and ready to get up in the mornings. Starting a new school year is often a difficult transition and it’s very important to begin in the right way – and we want all students to arrive at school on time and ready to learn.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Schools are getting ready!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Elementary Staffing Changes
Friday, July 17, 2009
Can you volunteer?
Friday, July 3, 2009
2009-2010 Class Assignments
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Staff changes for Elementary Schools for 2009-2010
New staff at the elementary buildings for the 2009-2010 school year will include Diane Volkman, special education teacher at Bailey Park and Davis, and Christie Hughes, .5 first grade literacy teacher at Bailey Park. Tony Farmer will be the new PE teacher at Bailey Park and Fairview. Staci Harms will be teaching individualized reading and first grade literacy at Fairview this year. Jodi Gallagher has moved from first grade at Bailey Park to first grade at Fairview. We will also have a new CARES counselor, Patience Niemoth-Coleman. Ms. Niemoth-Coleman will be at Bailey Park, Davis, and Fairview.