Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Fairview Second graders Environmental Unit

Fairview second grade students have been learning about the resources during their environmental education unit.  They have created projects from recycled materials, designed paper sacks with environmental messages, and made glyphs in math class.  Check out the pictures or come to Fairview to see the projects, sacks, or glyphs in person.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

April Newsletter for Fairview

Fairview News

April, 2010

Nancy Beck, Principal

Only two months of school left!  It’s hard to believe.  I know soccer or baseball or other special activities will begin soon, but it’s important to keep the students reading and learning for the rest of the year!  Try to maintain a consistent bedtime and students will be ready to learn here at school.  We still have lots to learn!

Fairview Fun Night

April 16 is Fairview Fun Night.  Plan to come and enjoy the games, food, and prizes.  It’s always a wonderful time for children and their families.   The PTO is working hard to raise funds for their many projects that support students and teachers at Fairview.  Support the PTO and have fun! 

  No teacher requests please

Please note that we are again asking that you not request teachers for next year, but trust us to make good choices for your child.  If you have specific concerns or feel your child has specific needs that I need to consider, please set up a meeting with me to discuss those needs.  I do my very best to accommodate the needs of all the students. 

Upcoming  Events:

Wednesday, April 14 School Board meeting, 5:30 pm

Tuesday, April 20 Vocal concert, GHS, 7 pm

May 3 - 7 MAP testing, second graders

Kindergarten swimming

Wednesday, May 5 Noon dismissal, professional development for teachers

Thursday, May 27 Movie, Grinnell College

Friday,May 28 Des Moines Zoo, kindergarten

Friday, May 28 2nd grade picnic with Bailey Park 2nd grade, Ahren’s Park

Tuesday, June 1 Last day of school, noon dismissal

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Elementary Vocal Concerts

Davis vocal concert -- April 13, 7 pm, GHS
Fairview vocal concert -- April 20, 7 pm, GHS
Bailey Park vocal concert -- Aprl 22, 7 pm, GHS
The students are working hard preparing for the concerts.  Plan to attend and see the students perform!

Fairview Second Grade Cowboy Unit

Wanted poster created by Sierra Veverka, Fairview second grader.

                        Cowboy stories were created as part of their literacy instruction.


Fairview second graders enjoy their "cowboy" lunch. 


                                                       Fairview Second Grade Cowboy Unit

 The second graders at Fairview Elementary spent several weeks working on a cowboy unit as part of their literacy instruction.  Students read books and stories about cowboys, designed and created wanted posters, and wrote stories about their own adventures as a cowboy.  The culminating event of the unit was a cowboy lunch, where all second grade students, dressed as cowboys, sat on the floor and ate together using their tin plates.  The cowboy unit is a favorite of students each year.